The reports of the armed robbery of Kim Kardashian in Paris — with millions of dollars of jewelry stolen — reminded me of advice my late business partner used to give to customers. Always insure your jewelry, she would tell people who were nervous about getting a sizable diamond. If (“God forbid!” she’d exclaim) you’re threatened with physical harm, give up the jewelry without hesitation. Keep yourself safe. File a police report. Then, she’d say, if the jewelry can’t be recovered, “We’ll use the insurance money to make you a bigger and better ring.” Kim might be an exception when it comes to that last step — at least when it comes to engagement-ring diamonds — it’s difficult to go bigger than Kim’s 20-carat Lorraine Schwartz ring and still have the use of one’s hand. Embed from Getty Images However, she could go from a skinny band to something more substantial. But that’s not important right now! No one — including Kim — should spend too much time mourning for jewelry. I admit that it can